Important information

e-Nable Italy è una comunità di volontari. I dispositivi creati dai nostri volontari richiedono tempo e impegno, oltre a una certa spesa da parte dei volontari. Se stai richiedendo un dispositivo e-Nable gratuito, è di fondamentale importanza che tu capisca cosa aspettarti e cosa ci si aspetta da te.

What is expected of you?

La creazione di un dispositivo e-Nable richiede il your involvement and your cooperation.

  • Once you have created a request for the device, you will need to provide the photos and other necessary information so that our volunteers can determine the size of the device.
  • You will need to review and approve proposals from volunteers who are willing to help you with your case. You will need to review and approve device type and scale recommendations, which will be provided based on your photos for sizing.
  • With the delivery of the device you will also be provided with the e-Nable documents required for the delivery of a device, you will have to examine them carefully and sign them to formalize the delivery,
  • Upon receiving a device, we will periodically ask you for feedback on how the device works, how it fits, how useful it is and if it is still in use, etc.
  • Having your feedback is of paramount importance in improving these devices for others.

What to expect from e-Nable Italy?

  • Please understand that e-Nable Italy it is run entirely by volunteers. Most of these volunteers have full-time jobs, so the time it takes to receive an e-Nable device varies. We will appreciate your patience.
  • e-Nable Italy never charges money for the devices we provide. You will receive an e-Nable device without any payment or obligation of any kind, other than providing feedback on that device.
  • The e-Nable devices are experimental assistive devices created by volunteers starting from a project Open Source available on the internet, e-Nable devices are not aids prosthetic
  • The e-Nable volunteers are not orthopedic technicians, they apply best practices and the construction procedures of the devices made available on the Internet to the entire e-Nable community.
  • e-Nable attributes gods badges to certify the assembly, printing and construction capabilities of each specific device, although the badges are not mandatory to build a device, we as e-Nable Italia we obligatorily require that the volunteer who is dedicated to the construction of a device to donate be qualified with badges for the specific device.
  • We require volunteers e-Nable Italy to always be professional and courteous. If you have a problem with a volunteer from e-Nable Italy please contact us by email at the following address:

Whenever possible, we strongly recommend that you work with a medical professional or occupational therapist to ensure that the fit and use of the e-Nable device is correct. Ideally, the e-Nable device should be handed over to the physician who will inspect it and then verify the fit. If you have such a medical professional available, inform the e-Nable volunteer who is assigned to your case so they can coordinate with that person.
